The Nays Have It…Or Do They?

Ever have those times in your life where all you hear is “No, no, no, no, no”.  “No” this, and “no” that. It seems like doors slam shut in your face. I’m there. Like, right now as I type this. Had a great opportunity that went totally south on me today. It seems like sometimes I live in a world of letdowns and disappointments. I spent most of the day in bad mood, feeling sorry for myself.

I watched this movie recently, and there was a quote that stuck with me: the scene is a man talking to his wife, and they’re reminiscing on their honeymoon, and how it rained the entire time. She says, “What if our entire life is made up of rainy days?” His reply couldn’t have been more timely: ” Then I guess we’ll be doing a whole lot of growing.”


Checkmate. Although it seems, in certain departments of my life, that it’s a monsoon season, in my heart I know it’s causing me to grow in ways I never thought I could. God did me a favor closing the door on the opportunity I thought was a sure thing. He saved me from making a wrong decision. So today, when it seems like the “nays” have the majority, there’s a greater “yes” waiting in the wings. And I know from experience that God’s open doors are doors that are clearly marked OPEN. Funny thing about those closed doors….whenever one closes…well, I think you know the rest.

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