Hanging In the Balance

I remember this movie called Cliff Hanger. My mom wouldn’t let me watch it when I was younger, but all I do remember from it is the preview and the movie poster: this picture of Sylvester Stallone, hanging by his fingers off of a cliff, with nothing but air and hard ground way below.

I heard a song from Jeff Steele that he just wrote called, But God. It’s a phrase we use a lot. He tells the story of how a couple in his church called him, and told him about their little 1 yr old daughter. She had fallen from a table to a concrete floor, landing on her head. Jeff talked to the family all the way to the hospital. The doctors hadn’t given her much hope. Jeff says he remembers those two words, But God, going through his mind the entire night. He finished the song, and although I can’t give all the lyrics out, but here’s a peek at the chorus:

But God, was first on the scene

before it happened, He knew our need

How many of us, would find it quite odd,

that we wouldn’t be here, except for two words, But God.


It made me think…when it all hangs in the balance, when life is a hurricane, when the bank account is dry, when the cancer comes back, when the child runs from the Lord, when the job is lost…But God. We wouldn’t even be where we are, but God. He’s first on the scene, and before it ever happened, He was praying for us, while the Father was providing for us.

I feel like Sylvester Stallone hanging off that cliff sometimes..barely hanging on, struggling just to stay alive. And then I get those sweet reminders from another world, reminding me that I’m His Friend, reminding me that if He can provide grace to save, he can provide for all the other needs. It encourages me to know that when I get overwhelmed with it all, I can stop, take a breath, and reflect and say, “But God”. Think about where you might be without “But God”. The whole story would be different. He provides hope, he provides answers through His Word, and he encourages us each step of the way. I’m not saying there won’t be Cliffhanger moments, but there’s a safety net below you: But God.




How Far Will Your Faith Go?

I”ve often heard of great stories of faith from preachers. I think of Hebrews 11. I think of people like George Muller, who would pray for meals for the children in his orphanages, and how food would show up the very minute of their need. How in the world? Do you ever think you’re psyching yourself out by praying for a miracle? Like in the back of your mind, you know it’s not going to work out that way, but you pray for it to happen that way anyway? Is that how Christ wanted us to pray? I would think not.

I’ve spent a lot of today in an attitude of prayer as I’ve went about my day. God knows our needs, and He’s met each one lately. But my flesh says, “It’s not gonna happen this time”. Well, my flesh and the devil both say it. But this evening I was listening to some music, and my mind went back to the story of Abraham. Faith? Um, yeah, he might know a thing or two about that. When I read my Bible, I love trying to insert myself into the story. What was that character thinking? Well, he was a human being just like me. What would I be thinking? Just, roll with me for a sec on this. God tells you with very clear instruction to murder your son. This isn’t just one of your kids. This is your only kid. This is the gift God sent an angel to personally announce the news of to you. This is the thing that, for all intensive purposes, you hold dearest to you in your life more than anything. Insert yourself into this story. What do you do? What are you thinking? I’m in panic mode. I’m running around sweating bullets, wondering if it was all worth it just to end it like this. I’m the guy who’s not mad at God, just frustrated. But I’m not Abraham. He has the spirit of obedience. Hesitant? Probably.

I think what astounds me the most about this story is the conversation between Abraham and Isaac on the way up the mountain. Isaac is wondering where the sacrifice is. Abraham is assuring him, with a lump in his throat, that God will provide. I’ve felt that way lately. People ask me daily, “What are you going to do? How’s the work search coming? Found a job yet?” I get to announce to them that things are the same way they were in January. I’m still unemployed, and I’m still blessed to have my needs met. I tell them, usually without thinking, “God will provide something in His time”. It’s our default answer, isn’t it? We’ve been programmed to say that whether we mean it or not, right? Gotta keep up those appearances, right? I started examining myself. Did I really believe it? Sure, way back in my heart of hearts, the Holy Spirit gave peace that God would take care of us, but on the surface, I’m scared to death. I’ve got responsibiltiy. I’m a dad, a husband. I’m a man. I have to work. I enjoy working, providing those needs for my family, and meeting some of the wants. I enjoy giving my wife and my little girl nice things. It makes me happy to see them happy. I’m responsible for the well being of this household. So yes, of course, in my soul, I believe God will provide. But why isn’t it showing on my surface? A lack of faith. An Abrahamic faith, if you will. I’ve got that chronic lump in my throat when I answer people. I say, “God will take care of us”, when in my mind I say “I sure hope so. I’m saying all this building you up, God, so you need to take care of us, so I don’t look stupid”. I’m not saying, “My God shall supply all my need according to His riches in glory.”

Abraham…he went ALL the way up that mountain. To kill his son. Dead set on it. No inhibitions. He could’ve taken a servant’s son,and killed him with much less regard, but it’s not what God asked. He obeyed to the fullest extent, and was prepared to part ways with his only child. Wait, God knew Abraham’s heart, right? Sure, He’s God. But why did he wait until Isaac was bound and seconds from eternity before He stopped Abraham (deep theological answer in 3…2…1) ? I have no idea. But it helps me. It shows me I have to have faith all the way through the fire. I don’t know when God will bring us out of the fire. My time clock’s running short, that’s for sure. But each day, I’m finding it easier, and more fulfilling to tell people, “The Lord knows what He’s doing. I’m enjoying the ride, and we’re learning to trust Him.” You hear that? I’m learning. This IS a test, after all. How will you do in the test? Let God follow through with His plan. Get on for the ride. It might get a little bumpy, but…He knows what He’s doing.




Valleys 101

It’s been going on 5 months now since I’ve been unemployed. Every day has brought new challenges. I’ve battled my mind, I’ve battled the devil telling me that God was through with me, I’ve favorited every job search engine on my Internet homepage. I’ve had days where I’ve given up on it. I’ve been in the place where I’ve felt I’ll never get a job. I’ev felt like a total failure as a husband, father, and a man. I’ve felt like walking away from my faith somedays. I’ve just plain felt like giving up was the best road sometimes.


Thankfully, my feelings mean nothing in comparison to what I know.

In my heart of hearts, I know that God is up to something that human eye can’t see. I know that He is good. He is perfect. Every good and perfect gift is from Him, and since God can’t do anything BUT good, this trial is a good and perfect gift for me, regardless of how I “feel” about it. I know that all control belongs to Him, and only Him. I know that my situation was sifted through a nail scarred hand before it ever found its way into my life. I know that God cares about my problems. I know that His only Son, who suffered for me, prays for me, before I can mumble the prayer for myself. I know that this is merely a bump in a long road ahead of dependence on Him. I know that I haven’t went hungry, and I know that I haven’t missed a bill payment since January. I know that I’ll have good days and bad days. I’ve learned to be thankful, even in the smallest blessing. Here’s why…

I don’t deserve ANY of what I have…it’s enough that I have grace.


Anyway, I’m learning. I’m trusting. I’m praying. I’m obeying. I’m searching, and studying. I’m actually almost literally falling asleep typing this, so I probably should go.





A View From the Potter’s Wheel


You’ve heard all the songs about the Potter and clay. I’ve heard messages preached, seen demonstrations about the Potter and the clay, but nothing makes it real until you’re there. Ever been there? A time where you don’t know the outcome; a time where the results, the outcome, the success or failure is out of your control. I write about this because this is where I am. I”m in a place where if God doesn’t do something soon, I don’t know what will happen. He’ll still be God, He’ll still be good, He’ll still be righteous and perfect. But in my own life, I need a move of God like never before.

I’m just like that piece of clay up there. You see the tools the Potter is using..they hurt. They scrape off excess things that cause deformity in the pottery. I’m being spun around, uncontrollably it seems at times. I’m disoriented, confused, and unsure. Maybe even leaning over some, about to fall over from all the pressure and pain of it all. Where’s the good in all this? Did I do something wrong? Is the Potter’s wheel a place of torture, of punishment? I thought I was doing the right thing, but now this?

But all the time, on the outside of the wheel…there’s a pair of Hands, skillfully guiding, gently but deliberately cutting away the things that make the clay dirty, and though it seems the clay spins uncontrollably, it’s in perfect control of the Potter, making every move, every spin, purposeful.

I don’t know where you are today, I can only speak for me, but I’m on the wheel. It doesn’t feel good. But through all the heartache, uncertainty, and frustration, deep in my soul I know, there’s Someone at work. Though Satan would have me be discouraged, and give up on what I know to be true in my heart, I can’t. So, the Potter’s wheel is home for now. It’s not fun, but I’ll sit here and let the Potter mold. He knows what He wants to make..I’m just clay. Nothing more than dirt and water. What He makes of me is art. It’s useful. It serves a purpose. But only He can fashion it that way…so I’ll trust Him. He hasn’t failed me yet.

This is a song that might describe where you are today..I know for a fact it’s where I am…


